The Society of St Margaret
The Priory of Our Lady, Walsingham
A recognised community within the Church of England
The Sisters keep a 5 fold daily Office consisting of The Office of Readings, Morning Prayer, Midday Prayer, Vespers and Compline.
In addition to this each Sister keeps at least an hour and a half private prayer, half an hour of which is kept before the Blessed Sacrament in Chapel. We also set aside some time each day for spiritual reading.
Sisters of the Society of St Margaret have a special devotion to The Holy Name of Jesus and the Blessed Sacrament, both of which are reflected in our prayer life. The litany of the Holy Name is said daily and Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament is kept each morning in chapel, with Benediction once a week.
Intercessions for the sick, our Associates, departed Sisters and Associates, and various other needs are prayed at the start of Midday Office and Compline.
If you would like to sponsor a lamp burning by one of our icons or statues in chapel for a certain prayer intention please contact Sr Carol on . We suggest a donation of £3.50 per week for each lamp. The intention will also be included in our intercessions at Compline.
You can send prayer requests in using the form below:
The Sisters daily life is centred on the Eucharist and the daily Office, from which flows our growing involvement in the ministry of healing, and reconciliation in the Shrine, the local parishes and the wider Church.
At the Shrine we assist with the Laying on of Hands at the twice weekly Healing Liturgy, attend and lead Shrine Prayers and volunteer at the Welcome centre. We are available to talk to visiting parishes or school groups and to any individuals or local groups.
One of the Sisters works with children and young people and goes into the local primary school once a week with a group of local people to take collective worship, as well as leading Sunday school and helping with the parish Youth Group. She is also involved with the Walsingham Youth Pilgrimage and Children's and Family pilgrimages.
Sisters are available as a listening ear for anyone who would like to talk to them.
Phone no.
01328 821 647