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The Society of St Margaret

The Priory of Our Lady, Walsingham

A recognised community within the Church of England



Everyone has a vocation or calling in life; for some this will be to married life, for some to be doctors, or teachers and for others it will be to the Religious life.

The first step for anyone feeling called to Religious life is to contact the community. We can then arrange for you to visit us for a short stay. The process of discernment as to whether the life of a Sister in this community is where you are being called takes some time, with at least 6 years from the time of coming to live alongside to the time when you may take life vows. There are several steps which guide you along this road of discernment.


Alongsiders are people who would like to live alongside the community for a certain period of time. They may be those considering their vocation or those who just want to spend some time experiencing Religious life. Alongsiders are expected to keep our timetable of Offices etc, and work alongside us, not taking responsibility but helping out with things such as the laundry, cleaning, morning coffee, Sacristy work, etc. as well as accompany us to Shrine Liturgies. They can live alongside us for a maximum of 1 year.


Postulants, after a minimum of 3 months living as an alongsider, those who wish to test their vocation to this house may ask to become a Postulant.  


Novice, after a period of 6months, a Postulant may then ask to be clothed as a Novice. She receives the habit of the Society, and wears a white veil.


1st Vows, after a period of between 2 and 3 years a Novice may then take Vows of Poverty, Chastity, Obedience and Charity, which are renewed annually.


Life vows, after a further period of between 3 and 6 years a Sister in annual vows may then take Life vows. It is only once a Sister has taken Life Vows that she disposes of all that belong to her; her bank account, house etc.


You may read about Sr Carol's call to religious life here


See our Resources page for links to Web Sites about Religious Life.


If you feel you are called to Religious Life please contact Sr Carol on or

01328 821647

Phone no.


01328 821 647

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