The Society of St Margaret
The Priory of Our Lady, Walsingham
A recognised community within the Church of England
All Masses and Offices are in our chapel, except Mass on Wednesday which is in the Guild of All Souls chapel in the Shrine grounds. If any groups wish to join us for the Offices or Mass please contact Sr Carol first, thank you.
7am Office of Readings (except Monday)
9am Morning Prayer (except Sunday and Monday)
9:30am Mass with the Litany of the Holy Name (Tues - Sat)
10am - 10:30am Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament and Benediction (Thursday)
12 noon Midday Office (except Monday)
4pm-5pm Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament (Tues, Wed, Fri and Sat)
5pm Vespers (except Monday) on Tuesday followed immediately by Compline
7:30pm Compline (except Monday and Tuesday)
Please note the Sisters have their day off on Mondays, the Offices are said privately and there is no Exposition.
Please note: Only Priests of The Society of St Wilfrid and St Hilda may celebrate Mass in the Priory Chapel. We do not allow groups to use our Chapel for their own Mass, however they are welcome to attend our Mass at 9:30am.
Due to the small size of our Chapel we ask groups book beforehand to attend the Offices or Mass. Bookings are to be done through Sr Carol sistercarolssm@gmail.com or 01328 821 647
Services This Week
To view or download a pdf version of the Services for this week click on the image below.

Phone no.
01328 821 647